
GazeFilter is a web-based application that uses the video stream from your web camera to track face and eye movements and estimates the gaze position on the screen.

Privacy Notice

The video stream from your webcam is processed only on your device. Gazefilter application do not store or transmit your video feed anywhere.

If you are using an application that has integrated GazeFilter or opened it as a pop-up window, please ensure that you trust this application. In this case tracking events may be sent to this application.

Getting Started

To ensure that the eye-tracking works effectively, please follow these tips:

  • Ensure your camera is positioned at eye level near the screen and is not obstructed.
  • Use the application in a well-lit environment, ideally with the light source positioned behind the camera.
  • Screen should be within a hand's reach for desktop, and within an elbow's reach for mobile.
  • If you wear glasses, make sure that reflections on the lenses do not obstruct the visibility of your pupils.